New Dawn in Scotland 11th Annual Conference 2020


In preparation for the conference we prayed the novena to the Holy Spirit and commenced it on 19th August. We prayed for the protection and success of the conference and pray that all who attended were filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
      Just click on the icon.
To close each novena prayer we also prayed the St Michael the Archangel Prayer.
The Novena can also be downloaded here: Novena - Holy Spirit

The Conference Details

Latest Programme:


  • Bishop John Keenan
  • Dr Ralph Martin
  • Ros Powell
  • David Wells
  • Fr Nicholas Grace
  • Sr Anna Christi
  • Fr Keith Herrera
  • Vernon Robertson
Please join us for an all praising and prayerful event from
Friday 28th August to Sunday 30th August.
The programme includes:
  • a Saturday morning slot for the children,
  • an early afternoon session both days for the Youth
  • and for everyone - 5 talks that follow the 5 themes of the conference:
    • The Holy Spirit
    • Reconciliation
    • Healing
    • Mary, Mother of the Church
    • Evangelisation
Please join us online for all sessions or as you can manage:
We look forward to it.

The conference is for all ages:

  • Adults: No need to register just simply click on the YouTube link below at 7.00pm on Friday 28th August to join the conference.
YouTube has a new look and, for the first time, a new logo - The Verge
Just click on the icon
  • Youth Ministry: S1 to S6:
Email with 'Youth' in the subject title and we'll send the relevant documents, consent forms and the link to zoom sessions. 


  • Children Ministry: P1 to P7:
Parents/Carers please email with 'Children' in the subject title for the consent forms, a specific link to the conference activities and details for entering the zoom sessions.


Our Lady of Aberdeen: Pray for us



From the opening Holy Mass until the closing ceilidh, the week is packed with an excellent input from gifted religious and lay people with the aim to refresh and re-invigorate our Catholic faith. There is daily Mass and talks on a variety of topics. Workshops which address a whole range of issues relevant to the daily living out of our faith in difficult times. An exciting programme of events for children and youth is also offered. New Dawn started in Walsingham in 1987 by the late Myles Dempsey and has now spread to many countries. New Dawn’s charism is to display the Catholic Church in all her splendour. We want to offer you a warm welcome to this year’s conference and help you to experience more of the treasures of our faith. Our teams of well experienced ministry leaders will be there to serve you in the many ministries at the conference, including: - Children, Youth, Adult, Prayer, Music and Liturgy.   Each day has a theme: - Monday-The Holy Spirit, Tuesday-Reconciliation, Wednesday-Healing, Thursday-Mary Mother of the Church, Friday-Evangelisation.   If you can’t make all or part of the conference, then please join the many parishes on Thursday 9th July for our annual St Andrews Pilgrimage and Rosary Procession in honour of Our Lady and St Andrew which will follow the statue of Our Lady of Aberdeen and a relic of St Andrew through the streets of St. Andrews, culminating with Holy Mass in the ancient Cathedral ruins.  

We are Eucharistic centred, Sacramental, Marian and Spirit Filled.

Our 5-day conference is a time for making new friends, learning about our faith in a fresh way with lots of fun activities for youth and children.
