Donations to New Dawn in Scotland
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have supported us prayerfully and financially over the last 10 years.
New Dawn in Scotland is a charity run by a group of Trustees: - Canon William Fraser, Josephine Costello, Tom & Flora Mullen, Douglas & Margaret Hunter and their dedicated Management Team. Everyone involved in New Dawn in Scotland freely offers their services.
Matt.4:4 Man does not live on Bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Suggested Donations:
- £5-10. Helps us with the initial costs of setting up our conference with advertising, printing, conference posters, leaflets, prayer cards, stationery, stamps etc.
- £25. Helps towards the cost of inviting guest Speakers, who will encourage and uplift us in our faith journey and renew and refresh our Catholic Faith.
- £50. Helps towards the cost of booking a conference venue and the booking of accommodation for our Guest Speakers and Youth, also the upgrading and operating of audio-visual equipment.
Once again, we thank you for your prayers and continued donations which enable us to further our mission to be a part of the renewal in our Catholic Church in Scotland.
Yours in Christ,
Douglas Hunter
Conference Director
Charity No: SCO4561
Donate directly into our bank account
Account Number 00277039
Sort Code 83-19-16